Adopt a Sport

Sports Adoption

Adopt a Sport in Manatee County FCA!

Manatee County FCA's Sports Adoption program is a fun, easy way to support FCA. Adoptions help us make the most impact in the sports that matter most to you!

All adoption proceeds directly benefit the athletes and coaches inside Manatee County. The hardest part is choosing the sport you wish to adopt.

The simple three (3) step process below provides you with a clear path to make your donation match your passion.

Step 1: Identify Your Sport.

Step 2: Choose Your Level.

Step 3: Complete the Adoption Form.

Please note, if you are purchasing more than one adoption, you can do so on the same adoption form by clicking "add another registration".

** International shipping is not available for the $100, $200 or $400 adoption level. The $30 rookie adoptions are not available in certain countries, depending on the purchaser's IP address. If the page does not load, we are unable to complete your out-of-country adoption. **

Questions? Call (419) 722-3255 or email:

Step 1: Identify Your Sport

List of Services

Step 2: Choose Your Level


Our $30 ROOKIE level


Our $100 JV level


Our $200 VARSITY level


Our $400 MVP level

Step 3: Complete the Adoption Form

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