We want to help you become whole and complete in Christ, lacking nothing, so you can help your athletes become whole and complete as well.
With these materials you will learn about FCA's vision, mission, core values and ministry method(E3). We'll cover the various ministry tools FCA provides like 360 Coach, 3D Coaching, Coaches Mandate and online resources that will help you Engage, Equip, and Empower coaches and athletes to be disciples who make disciples. FCA wants to help you become the best coach you can be. We’re here to help you experience transformation and wholeness through Jesus so you can reflect Him to your athletes.
Strength, Power, Cardiovascular, Speed, Quickness, Technique, Repetition, Tactics.
Motivation, Confidence, Emotions, Team Cohesion, Goal Setting.
Identity, Character, Significance, Self-Worth, Values, Purpose.
Team Huddle
A Regular gathering in which a Character Coach/Student Athlete meets with the majority of athletes and coaches of a team.
Coaches Huddle
A regular gathering of coaches on a particular campus which assemble for the purpose of journeying through a study that is coach appropriate.
Student Leadership Team
A gathering of student leaders, who represent the majority of the different teams on campus, which meet to execute the mission of FCA.
Character Coach
A trained volunteer placed to encourage, assist, and LOVE their sports teams. To serve the Head coach and the players on High School and Middle School teams. Learn More Here.