Winter Recharge

December 21-23, 2024



Camp Registration is Now Open!

Lakeland Leadership Camp Overview

For many coaches and athletes, feelings of uncertainty, confusion, loss and disappointment can seem like an undeniable reality. However, the truth is that our identity in Christ is greater than our identity in sports. It’s our confidence in Christ that wipes away any uncertainty of this world.

Much like we pursue our goals in sports, God does the same with us. He pursues us. He loves us and accepts us as we are. Success is no longer defined by our skills. With Him, we can leave the pressure of performance behind. With Him, we’re already a winner. His sacrifice for us gives us significance. We have a new purpose when we play. We can pursue the mission He has paved for us: a relationship with Him.

Why Camp Ministry?

FCA provides athletes and coaches the opportunity to reach their God-given potential by offering comprehensive athletic, spiritual and leadership training in a camp environment. We create an athletic environment that produces spiritual transformation in the lives of coaches and athletes in a camp setting.


When Christ resets my perspective, I'm free in Him.


Through Christ, I have a new identity and purpose in Him.


God refuels me with joy and hope that overflow into every aspect of my life.


I am ready to go and make disciples out of overflow of Christ in me.

What's Your 24/7?

As a coach or athlete, it can feel like the hustle and grind never stops. How you spend your "24/7" matters. Jesus is ready to give you the rest and rejuvenation that you need, you just have to slow down enough to receive it. Learn how to go from being overwhelmed by the demands of sport, to living from the overflow of hope and joy that comes from Jesus with this 4-Day Devotional - What's Your 24/7?

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