Alex Papale

Manatee High School

  • How long have you been attending FCA?

    I been attending FCA since my freshman year two years ago and have been pursuing leadership this year as a Junior.

  • What sport(s) do you play?

    Weightlifting and track.

  • What do you want to do after High School?

    Go to college on sorts scholarship and study acting and the arts.

  • What's your favorite sports movie?

    My favorite sports movie would have to be Benchwarmers.

  • What's your favorite scripture?

    My favorite scripture would have to be Phil 4:13 "I can do all this through him who gives me strength." This verse gives me hope and drives me because I know that i can do ANYTHING with Christ!

  • Why is Christ in sports so important?

    He (Jesus) allows us to play the sports we love. FCA has a great saying "High Performance, Higher Purpose."

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