The Leadership Board

Board Inquiries

Why is the Leadership Board Needed?

FCA staff members are responsible for leading ministry efforts with coaches and athletes, coordinating on- and off-campus activities, organizing leadership boards, communicating with donors, implementing marketing plans – all while responding to staff leads in their area. As ministry grows, it can feel like they are carrying the load by themselves. We know ministry is best done when the load is shared.

Our solution is the board.

The Role of the Board


  • Counsel - Pray regularly for God’s guidance and direction for the FCA ministry.
  • Covering - Provides a “spiritual covering” over FCA ministry in the area including events, Huddles and FCA Camps.
  • Leaders - Pray for the local FCA staff, volunteers and current and new board members.
  • Hearts - Pray for the hearts of coaches and athletes


  • Invest - Serve by investing your time and talents in one of our board teams: Ministry Advancement, Donor and Board Advancement, Talent Advancement and International Advancement.
  • Recruit - Strategically recruit new board members.
  • Train - Use your talent and expertise to train staff and volunteers to effectively serve.
  • Grow - Create and maintain environments for staff and volunteers to grow spiritually, personally and professionally.


  • Contribute - Give personally as a regular donor therefore making FCA a top priority.
  • Model - Set the tone and pace of giving for the FCA ministry.
  • Network - Exhaust personal and professional relationships by inviting others to experience FCA and give to the ministry.
  • Resource - Provide non-financial resources that help expand the ministry

Life Cycle of Leadership Boards

Each FCA area will be at a different stage of board advancement. This chart is for the purpose of helping board members and staff understand what activities and processes they may be engaged in depending on the maturity of their board. It is not meant to restrict or dictate what a board should do but to simply reflect the life cycle of boards as they grow.

Though we recognize there is a life cycle that leadership boards grow through, the following "five essentials" are given for boards to strive for as they mature into effective groups of ministry leaders.

The Five Essentials

FCA Distinctives

FCA is a ministry that's distinct from other ministries by what we do and how we do it. Our vision, mission, values and Christian Community Statement provide most of this distinction. However, we've provided a list below of FCA Ministry Distinctives that are a combination of philosophy and strategies that communicate what we're about and what we're working to accomplish.

  • Christ Centered - focus of our message
  • Kingdom Minded - serving the purpose of the church
  • Bible Based - source of our authority
  • Athletically Focused - ministering to coaches and athletes
  • Spiritually Nurturing - helping people to know and grow in Christ
  • Fellowship Oriented - connecting people through the love of Christ
  • Volunteer Intensive - mobilizing adults to accomplish the mission
  • Culturally Adaptive - meeting the diverse needs of people
  • Faith Financed - funded through people moved by God to give 

Ministry Leadership Application (MLA)

All prospective Leadership Board Members must have a completed MLA on file with Manatee County Florida FCA indicating that you agree to adhere to all statements included and those within the application.

Board Inquiries
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